
Recognize the Difference between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis

Recognize the Difference between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis

Do you know what is the difference between irritable bowel syndrome and ulcer? Most people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome only assume that the disease they experience is an ordinary stomach ulcer. In fact, irritable bowel syndrome is a dangerous disease, it's just that the symptoms are similar to ulcer disease. 

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that affects the digestive tract in the long term. The main symptoms are pain and discomfort in the stomach. Meanwhile, heartburn is described as pain or discomfort in the stomach, generally running towards the solar plexus or under the ribs. These symptoms are then associated with gastric irritation with stomach acid or ulcers.  

Know the Difference between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis

Irritable bowel syndrome, or better known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disease that affects the performance of the large intestine. The large intestine carries out an important function, namely absorbing water from the food consumed. The process of preparing food waste in the form of feces that will be excreted through the anus also takes place in this one organ.

Unlike IBS, ulcer disease is a disease with symptoms in the form of pain and burning in the stomach that occurs due to a number of conditions. For example, open wounds in the lining of the stomach, bacterial infections, side effects of using anti-inflammatory drugs, and stress.

Symptoms Caused in People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis

In people with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms may appear, diarrhea or constipation, such as flatulence, stools accompanied by mucus, stomach cramps, back pain, feeling tired, frequent passing of gas, feeling nauseous, a burning sensation in the chest, feeling full quickly, and have decreased appetite. Symptoms experienced by people with IBS can get worse, gradually improve, until they disappear completely. 

In people with heartburn, most of the symptoms can be easy and can recover on its own without a doctor's treatment. Ulcer disease can only be said to be severe if symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and weight loss occur without obvious reasons. 

Here are the steps to prevent IBS and ulcers

Irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn can put your health at risk. To avoid this, take precautions by doing some of the things below, including:

Consumption of high fiber foods. Fiber helps the good bacteria in the stomach and plays an important role in the freshness of the digestive process.

Consume yogurt. This one prebiotic helps suppress bad bacteria in the digestive tract that cause digestive disorders.

Eat healthy food. Healthy food helps the stomach in digesting food easily, so as to avoid digestive problems. Avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest by the digestive process, such as acidic foods, and also foods with high fat or carbohydrate content.

Chew food together well. Chewing longer until the food is smooth helps the intestines to digest the food that enters the stomach. 

If you have carried out some of the methods above, the digestive process will avoid dangerous diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers. With healthy digestion, you can start your daily activities comfortably. So, don't forget to always take care of your digestive health by doing some of the ways above, OK! 

Know First Aid When Pierced by a Sea Urchin

Know First Aid When Pierced by a Sea Urchin

Pierced sea urchins should not be considered trivial because it can cause symptoms that are easy to severe. Therefore, it is important to understand the importance of giving the sea urchin the first time it is pricked to prevent more serious complications.

Sea urchins or known as sea urchins are usually easy to find in shallow water, especially in rocky areas and coral reefs. These animals are basically non-aggressive. Most people get stabbed by sea urchins because they accidentally step on or touch them while swimming or diving in the ocean. 

Symptoms When Pierced by Sea Urchin

Sea urchins have 2 defense systems, namely spines that cover their bodies and pedicellariae which are small and delicate organs in sea urchin spines. Pedicellariae tend to be more dangerous because they can release toxins when attached to an object, as well as to your skin. 

When pierced by a sea urchin, the spines on its body will break and stick into your skin. This condition is painful and easily infected if not treated immediately. Usually the area of ​​​​the skin pierced by the sea urchin comes out bruised and swollen with a blue-black color.

In addition to feeling painful, being pricked by sea urchin spines can also trigger some obvious symptoms that must be treated, such as: 

Great exhaustion

Weak and lethargic

Muscle pain (myalgia)



In severe cases, the above symptoms can lead to serious complications, such as respiratory failure and even death.

First Aid Steps When Pierced by a Sea Urchin

Here are the first aid methods that you must do when you are pricked by a sea urchin thorn: 

Don't panic too much, because this will cause you to move more actively and risk accelerating the spread of toxins to other parts of the body.

Immediately pull over to land or a nearby boat calmly, then soak the affected area in warm water for 30-90 minutes to reduce pain.

Gently remove the sea urchin spines. If possible, use tweezers to facilitate the process of taking thorns stuck in the skin. If there is pedicellaria stuck to the skin, you can use a razor to gently scrape it off.

After successfully removing the thorn stuck in the skin, then you rinse the stung area with soap and clean water to keep the risk of infection away. 

Not quite with the method above, it is recommended that you visit a doctor so that you get a prescription for the necessary medicines, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to relieve pain, or hydrocortisone cream to relieve itching on the skin pierced by the sea urchin.

If the wound from a sea urchin stabs causes an infection, the doctor can prescribe an antibiotic that must be taken in full. This is necessary so that the bacteria are completely eliminated.

As a precaution, you may be recommended to wear swimming shoes while diving in the ocean or the most effective is not to dive at all in waters that contain lots of sea urchins.

The pain and symptoms of sea urchin stabs usually heal within 5 days. If the symptoms you experience do not go away, especially if they contain symptoms of infection or even cause serious complications, go to the doctor immediately for treatment. 

Is it necessary to wash the vagina after sexual intercourse?

Is it necessary to wash the vagina after sexual intercourse?

After making love, not a few women who still want to relax in bed or so go to sleep immediately. However, there are also those who feel obliged to immediately clean themselves, especially the vaginal area. Actually, is it mandatory to clean the vagina after sexual intercourse?

There's nothing wrong with relaxing for a moment after having sex. However, you should not leave it too long even to sleep, yes. 

To keep the body fresh and clean, there are things that need to be done after sex, such as cleaning yourself and changing clothes. drink a glass of water, to clean the sex toys used. 

The Importance of Washing the Vagina After Sex

After sexual intercourse, you should clean your vagina. This is absolutely necessary to eliminate germs, viruses, or parasites that can cause infection in the intimate organs.

However, that doesn't mean you have to wash your vagina to the inside, yes, if you do vaginal douching together. Douching is the practice of spraying or inserting water or cleaning fluid into the vagina.

This is because vaginal cleaning products generally contain fragrances and antibacterial substances that can disrupt the balance of good bacteria in the vagina, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

Naturally, the vagina has a mechanism to clean itself by removing vaginal fluid or what is commonly referred to as vaginal discharge. So, you don't have to wash your vagina all the way inside, okay? 

How to clean the vagina after sex

The best way to clean the vagina after sexual intercourse is to clean the vulva area with water. You can also wash it with warm water to eradicate the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTI) and remove any lubricant or sperm that may still be attached.

In addition to cleaning the vulva with water, you are also advised to urinate, especially after having unprotected sex. During sex, bacteria from the penis can enter your urinary tract, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections.

So, by urinating after sexual intercourse, the flow of urine can automatically clean and wash bacteria that enter your urinary tract or urethra.

Well, that's the reason why cleaning the vagina after sexual intercourse is important to do. Remember, wash only the vulva area, yes, it doesn't need to go into your vagina. This is important to do in order to maintain vaginal health.

In addition, avoid using wet wipes, applying creams, spraying fragrances, or sprinkling powder on the vagina to prevent irritation of the intimate organs.

If you experience problems in the female area or experience certain complaints in the vagina after sexual intercourse, for example, the vagina starts to ache, itch, swell, or have abnormal vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The next thing may indicate that you have an infection in the intimate organs, and the condition then needs to be treated by a doctor.  

Difference Between Normal Itch and Diabetic Itch

Difference Between Normal Itch and Diabetic Itch

Scratching is a natural reaction that everyone does when the skin feels itchy. The itching itself is caused by many factors, such as skin diseases, scars that are about to dry, or itching can be a sign that you are suffering from certain diseases. Itching itself is one of the symptoms of diabetes that occurs in almost all sufferers. Then, what is the difference between regular itching and diabetes? 

Itching is a symptom of diabetes to watch out for

Diabetes is a disease that occurs due to high levels of sugar in the blood. In addition, the symptoms of diabetes can be characterized by excessive thirst, which is accompanied by frequent urination, to extreme itching all over the body. Itching itself is associated with the body's response to soaring blood sugar levels.

Increased frequency of urination is the body's response when trying to eliminate excess glucose in the blood. If the frequency of urination increases, the body can automatically lose a lot of fluids. This condition triggers dry skin, causing excessive itching. In this regard, you should be clear that itchy skin does not only mean diabetes. 

The difference between ordinary itching and diabetes itself lies in the cause. Ordinary itching can occur due to a viral, fungal, or bacterial infection. While itching due to diabetes comes from blood vessels, so that in many cases, itching in people with diabetes can cause injury. Unfortunately, the two conditions can be really difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

To be clear what situation you are going through. It is recommended that you do a blood test at the nearest hospital. Blood tests are one of the best ways to determine the cause of the itching itself. Blood tests can also determine the level of sugar levels in the blood. 

Get to know Diabetes more deeply

Itching is actually not the only symptom of diabetes. However, you should immediately check your blood sugar levels, for example experiencing itching that does not go away. Especially if you have a family history of diabetes. Blood tests really must be carried out to take the fastest and most appropriate action to avoid complications that can appear at any time.

In addition to itching, the symptoms of diabetes are characterized by changes that occur in the skin, such as skin color that becomes darker, scaly, even more dry and cracked. This happens because of high insulin levels in the body, which encourages the change of pigment that adjusts the color and texture of the skin. After the following happens, you feel symptoms, one of which is black patches on the skin.

The point is if you feel an itch that doesn't go away, immediately carry out a blood test. Moreover, if the itching does not go away, especially after applying a moisturizer or external medicine to the skin. If itching is actually a symptom of diabetes, it can usually be followed by a change in the condition of the skin's health. 

When someone is sentenced to have diabetes, it is absolutely necessary to be more vigilant in taking care of themselves, especially caring for the skin. Moreover, if there is one member of the body that is injured. It is important to over-groom and treat the wound. The reason is, in some cases, minor injuries can turn into dangerous, even wounds can cause decay and lead to amputation.  

How to Prevent Asthma Relapse


How to Prevent Asthma Relapse

You are certainly no stranger to asthma. This is a condition that makes the airways narrow and swell and can produce excess mucus. This makes it difficult for sufferers to breathe, cough, and produce a whistling tone when exhaling.

Asthma can be mild or severe. When the condition is severe, asthma can become a major problem that interferes with daily activities and can lead to life-threatening asthma attacks.

Tips to Prevent Asthma Relapse

Asthma cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes from time to time, sufferers must be aware of the signs and symptoms in order to deal with them. If you have asthma, here are some tips for preventing its recurrence:

Identification of Asthma Triggers

There are several factors that can cause asthma attacks, such as air pollution, allergies, cold air, viruses that cause flu, fragrances, inflammation of the mucous membranes, to the formality of smoking. It is imperative for studies to identify asthma triggers, so that you can take steps to avoid them. To find out, keep recording the signs you experience in a book or note on your cellphone. 

When you have an asthma attack, you can immediately check a book or notepad. After that, see which thing or combination of things that might cause it. 

Stay away from allergens

If you have allergies and asthma, it's important to keep your distance from allergens. Exposure to allergens can increase inflammation in the airways, making attacks more likely.

Avoid any kind of smoke

Smoke can make asthma symptoms worse. Limit exposure to smoke sources, such as tobacco, incense, candles, campfires, and fireworks. Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke anywhere.

Prevent Colds

Avoid close contact with people who have a cold or flu. Catching colds and flu can make asthma symptoms worse. Make sure you clean your hands well after handling items that a person with a respiratory infection may have touched.


Get a flu shot every year. to protect yourself from flu viruses that can worsen asthma. You need to know that asthma can make a person more at risk for complications from the flu, such as pneumonia. In addition to the flu vaccine, you also need to get the DTAP vaccine to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough.

Take Asthma Drugs according to Recipes

Long-acting asthma medications are designed to block symptoms and attacks. If your doctor has prescribed this, you need to take it every day, especially if you are not experiencing any symptoms. Medications can reduce inflammation in the airways and keep your asthma under control forever, making it less likely to relapse.

If you start your asthma getting worse, don't delay to get it checked by a doctor

Weight Even Increases During Fasting, This Is The Cause

Weight Even Increases During Fasting, This Is The Cause

In addition to tracking rewards, the month of Ramadan is also often a place for weight loss. For one full month, Muslims are required to fast, at least 13 hours in one day. Well, that's what is then used together with implementing a diet pattern to lose weight. However, what if you gain weight while fasting? What is wrong? 

Holding hunger and thirst during fasting is desired to support the weight loss process. However, it turns out that there are habits that are often carried out without realizing it and can even cause weight gain. Triggers for weight gain during fasting are mostly related to the formality of eating at dawn and breaking the fast, the level of body activity, to changing sleep patterns. To be clear, see the discussion about the causes of weight gain while fasting in the following article!

Causes of Weight Gain During Fasting

There are several habits during the fasting month that can trigger weight gain, including:

Eating too much sweet

When breaking the fast is the most awaited moment, and the taste is not complete without a sweet dish, such as fruit ice. After a day of preventing hunger and thirst, appetite tends to increase so that "frenzied" consumption of sweet foods. In fact, this food model can increase the risk of obesity to diabetes.


Not only a bowl of sweet fruit ice, breaking the fast is also incomplete without fried foods. Again, this type of food can cause weight gain while fasting. In addition, there is the possibility of overeating while breaking the fast, because it has avoided hunger for a long time. This habit can lead to weight gain.


Fasting means blocking fluid intake for a certain time. However, the body must always be hydrated. Dehydration can cause increased appetite and will have an impact on weight. During fasting, it is recommended to forever consume at least two liters of water or about 8 glasses of water in one day. You can work around this by applying the 2-4-2 pattern, which is 2 glasses of water during iftar, 4 glasses of water during dinner and before bedtime, and 2 glasses of water during sahur.

Less Actively Move

Because they feel hungry and thirsty, it is not uncommon for people who are fasting to be lazy to move. If that's the case, the risk of gaining weight while fasting will be even greater.

Missing Suhoor

The habit of often freeing sahur can actually be a trigger for weight gain while fasting. This can trigger the appetite to become very high and there is a desire for "revenge" by overeating while breaking the fast.

It is also important to always take care of the health of the body during fasting.  

Gamophobia, Fear of Commitment and Marriage


Gamophobia, Fear of Commitment and Marriage

Be careful in making decisions to commit and get married is a natural thing. However, unless you worry about it excessively, you may experience gamophobia. Come on, identify the signs of gamophobia and how to overcome them!

Gamophobia is excessive anxiety about making commitments and getting married. This phobia can be seen as a result of trauma from future relationship failures or childhood experiences, such as seeing a bad parent relationship or divorce.

Most people who are gamophobia think that marriage will only increase new cases that cannot be solved and they do not want to be trapped in a relationship that is considered complicated. 

Recognize the Signs of Gamophobia

Not just ordinary anxiety, the anxiety experienced by a gamophobia is long-term and has an immediate impact on his personal life, including school or work, for at least 6 months or more.

A gamophobia will also show more than one psychological symptom that runs consistently, including:

Feeling excessively anxious and uncontrollable when thinking about the principles and future of the interaction that is being undertaken
Avoid all the chat about marriage
Always thinking about the breakdown of a relationship
Feeling pressured when in a relationship
Ending good interactions because of the need to “run away”
Avoid serious interactions and prefer statusless interactions
In addition, by thinking about principles and marriage only, a gamophobia is likely to experience physical symptoms, such as:

Heart pounding
Hard to breathe
Chest pain

How to Deal with Gamophobia

Even though people with gamophobia are too anxious to commit, that doesn't mean they are reluctant to have romantic interactions with someone. Many also come from those who choose to continue dating with their partners without any plans to get married. In fact, there are countless people who like to live together and remain single.

If you are a gamophobia and are in a relationship, the most important thing is to make your partner aware from the start about your situation and life choices that make you happy. This is done as an effort to stay away from ghosting and hurt your partner's heart.

However, if you desire to overcome your gamophobia and crave study to establish serious principles in relationships, there are more than one possible ways to help, including:

Self therapy

Self-therapy is not a great way to identify possible reasons why marriage or marriage is such a big concern in your life. After that, think about what you really want and need in a relationship.

Couple therapy

If you and your partner want to have an interaction that is committed to marriage, but something is holding you back and preventing you from taking your way to commitment, couples therapy may be your thing.

So that you and your partner can practice making principles together, try the following:

Spend the weekend together, such as out of town.
Get in the habit of holding hands in public or around people you know.
Talk about things you want to do together during the holidays.
Make a plan every time you plan to do activities with your partner a week, 2 weeks, or a month in advance, to challenge yourself to follow the plan.
Try walking around looking at an apartment or house, and care about how it feels to share a place to live with your partner.

Consult with a therapist

If you have trouble, you can expect the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist to overcome the phobia you are experiencing. A psychologist or psychiatrist can help dig into the reasons why you are wary of committing and find ways to work around it. For example, by adding counseling, psychotherapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy.

Medication is usually not required in the treatment of a specific phobia. However, if you have panic attacks, anxiety, and depression, your psychiatrist will likely prescribe more than one antidepressant.

So, if your partner or yourself has a gamophobia condition and finds it difficult to handle it yourself, don't hesitate to consult a psychologist for the right guidance and treatment, so that you and your partner can live the principles together without any obstacles.
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