Do you know what is the difference between irritable bowel syndrome and ulcer? Most people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome only assume that the disease they experience is an ordinary stomach ulcer. In fact, irritable bowel syndrome is a dangerous disease, it's just that the symptoms are similar to ulcer disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that affects the digestive tract in the long term. The main symptoms are pain and discomfort in the stomach. Meanwhile, heartburn is described as pain or discomfort in the stomach, generally running towards the solar plexus or under the ribs. These symptoms are then associated with gastric irritation with stomach acid or ulcers.
Know the Difference between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis
Irritable bowel syndrome, or better known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disease that affects the performance of the large intestine. The large intestine carries out an important function, namely absorbing water from the food consumed. The process of preparing food waste in the form of feces that will be excreted through the anus also takes place in this one organ.
Unlike IBS, ulcer disease is a disease with symptoms in the form of pain and burning in the stomach that occurs due to a number of conditions. For example, open wounds in the lining of the stomach, bacterial infections, side effects of using anti-inflammatory drugs, and stress.
Symptoms Caused in People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Gastritis
In people with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms may appear, diarrhea or constipation, such as flatulence, stools accompanied by mucus, stomach cramps, back pain, feeling tired, frequent passing of gas, feeling nauseous, a burning sensation in the chest, feeling full quickly, and have decreased appetite. Symptoms experienced by people with IBS can get worse, gradually improve, until they disappear completely.
In people with heartburn, most of the symptoms can be easy and can recover on its own without a doctor's treatment. Ulcer disease can only be said to be severe if symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and weight loss occur without obvious reasons.
Here are the steps to prevent IBS and ulcers
Irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn can put your health at risk. To avoid this, take precautions by doing some of the things below, including:
Consumption of high fiber foods. Fiber helps the good bacteria in the stomach and plays an important role in the freshness of the digestive process.
Consume yogurt. This one prebiotic helps suppress bad bacteria in the digestive tract that cause digestive disorders.
Eat healthy food. Healthy food helps the stomach in digesting food easily, so as to avoid digestive problems. Avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest by the digestive process, such as acidic foods, and also foods with high fat or carbohydrate content.
Chew food together well. Chewing longer until the food is smooth helps the intestines to digest the food that enters the stomach.
If you have carried out some of the methods above, the digestive process will avoid dangerous diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers. With healthy digestion, you can start your daily activities comfortably. So, don't forget to always take care of your digestive health by doing some of the ways above, OK!
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